Check out Super DBZ tournament videos on youtube to see what the game is all about.

I'd say to give it a shot if you're a DBZ fan or if you are a fighting game fan in general. It is an underrated classic and I still come back and play it with my friends with my friends since I discovered it back in 2014. PROS: +Tight Controls +Deep Complex Combat +Unique Skill Tree +Fun and Dynamic Combo System +Amazing Art Direction +Great Soundtrack Neutral: ≠Character Cards can be confusing ≠Game is technical and can be hard to understand for new players CONS: -Not a lot of single player modes -No in game tutorial In the end Super DBZ was a hidden gem overlooked and shadowed by the success of DBZ Budokai/Tenkaichi. Super DBZ has a ton of variety, and once you get past the skill wall you start to feel accomplished, you have a better understanding of the game, it's that feeling that gives the player the drive to play fighting games. They have zoners like Krillin who controls the area around him to make his opponent to approach from a bad angle to try and make an opening.
Super DBZ has the grappler character Android 16, who wants to put fear into the opponent and try to open them up for a grab or a heavy string of strong hits into a super. You hit the same buttons for every character to do similar things and there is no difference in play style. Where the Budokai and Tenkaichi games fall off for me is that all characters play the same. Dragon Ball fans praise DBZ Budokai and Tenkaichi for the robust roster and insane super moves and how easy it is to just pick up and play, but what Super DBZ has is depth, an intricate combo system, and wide variety of characters with different character archetypes. I thought it was an interesting mechanic to me, for others this might not be as appealing and some players may be down right confused. Super DBZ is an attempt at a legitimate fighting game with some quirky aspects, like creating character cards and leveling up your fighters card with unique special moves and skill traits. To put this into context, here are five points each detailing the positives of each show when compared to its counterpart.It's a shame this game wasn't popular, it is the best DBZ fighting of it's time overlooked because of it's small roster, limited game modes, It's a shame this game wasn't popular, it is the best DBZ fighting of it's time overlooked because of it's small roster, limited game modes, and difficulty to master with it's steep learning curve.

Of course, as is the case with any sequel, Dragon Ball Super has inevitably been compared to Dragon Ball Z several times by fans, with both sides of the argument being particularly heated. RELATED: Dragon Ball Super: 10 Changes You Didn’t Know About From Japanese To English The much-awaited sequel was an instant hit, with fans lapping up anything even remotely continuing the rich and historied legacy of the Dragon Ball series.

Toei Animation finally caved in to this widespread pressure and released a show by the name of Dragon Ball Super. Dragon Ball Z was so popular that fans were still clamoring for a sequel almost two decades after the anime had ended its run. While the story of Goku and his friends had been established in Dragon Ball - a show of quality but not all that popular in the West at that time - it was Dragon Ball Z that propelled the tales of the Z Fighters into the mainstream and turned them into household names that are somehow still relevant to this very day.
It would be hard to imagine anime being so popular in the modern era without the existence of a legendary series by the name of Dragon Ball Z.